Took me 6lbs of whey to gain 5lbs of muscle
My main objective is to get bigger and leaner. So I buy protein often. I would like to think it has been effective and this latest expenditure paid off as well.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
What sold me on this was the 27g of protein, most other brands are around 20g. The cost versus grams of protein had me sold. Something else it has on the label is 4.7g of Glutamine. According to a contributing writer on, 5gs is optimum for putting on muscle. The ingredients are comparable to most other protein powders you buy.
Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Alkalized Cocoa powder, Natural and artificial flavors, salt, Acesulfame Potassium, soy letchin, sucralose.
It taste really good, I believe it only comes in chocolate or vanilla and I had chocolate. Considering Cytosport is the makers of Muscle Milk and I am not particularly a fan of Muscle Milk, I did enjoy this protein. It mixes well with water, but can be a little clumpy if you mix it with milk as I often do for breakfast.
I put on a consistent 5lbs of muscle. I only say muscle, because according to my measurements my waist is smaller, so I’m calling it muscle. I plan to buy it again once I can find it on sale.
While in search of protein in a good size quantity at a fair price, I stumble on Costco having this on sale. For $30 I got 6lbs of protein. Which is normally double that. It is a good deal and I think it normally sales for around $40, which is still a good deal.
—-Side Effects—-
I feel this is somewhat equal to ON chocolate protein powder. Where ON has less fat, Cytosport has more protein. Flavor and consistency are almost equal, ON is a little creamier.
Rated 5 out of 5
mjtuf1 –
Nice product, good buy and the numbers don’t lie!
I’ve been going to the gym over 9 years now, and have come a long way going from the skinniest weakest kid to putting on a lot of size and strength. This Whey Protein product I buy at Costco, and I have been buying my protein at Costco not only the entire 9 years in the gym, but even before I started going to the gym, and I have been using this product as far back as I can remember. I have gotten criticized for using this product, but as I’m going to state in this review, numbers don’t lie!
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Total Fat – 1.5 G
Saturated fat 1G
Cholesterol 40 mg
Sodium 180 mg Potassium 280 mg Total Carbs 3G
dietary fiber <1 G
Sugars 2G
This product has 40mg cholesterol in it. The RDA is that you shouldn’t consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily, which is a reason I wouldn’t use this product more than twice in a day, because anything more than that is a lot of dietary cholesterol from 1 supplement in a day. There’s conflicting evidence that dietary cholesterol isn’t as important and sat fat is what you have to watch out for, this product only has 1G per serving.
This has L-aspartic Acid, but not to be confused with D-Aspartic Acid which claims to raise Testosterone (it doesn’t), this is a totally different Amino.
This product contains Typtophan which is a precursor to Serotonin and Melatonin.
I buy the chocolate flavor, and it tastes ok, not horrible, and you get used to it fast.. I’ve also used the vanilla flavor in the past, and again it’s not horrible but not the best vanilla flavor out there, personally I prefer the chocolate flavor.
Mixability – This product mixes okay. The directions states to mix this in 6-8 oz of water, but I feel you need more water than that. If you try to mix this in a glass with a spoon it gets alittle clumpy, if you mix it in a blender bottle with more water it mixes good.
Dosing – 1 (36G) Scoop. The directions states the optimal time to use it is post workout, but that you can also use it pre workout. I use this product 1 scoop post workout. For a while I was taking 2 scoops post workout, but that wasn’t giving me any additional benefit, so I dropped back down to 1 scoop. I also usually only use this product 1 scoop per day, and if I use it more then 2 scoops in a day is my limit.
This product is highly effective, and I’ve been buying it mainly for the awesome price I get it for ($40 for 75 servings) that’s by far the best around. I’m sure there are many good whey proteins out there that are BETTER quality than this one, and I’m not even going to argue that. I’ve been criticized by a few people for using this product when talking about supplements in the gym. One guy just the other day in the gym told me this is a junk product and he’s surprised with me that I use this product, and I don’t know much about supplements if I think this one is good.. He then went on to tell me about the protein he uses which is so much better and superior quality and how it’s the only one he’ll use (his protein costs twice as much as this one). The 1 thing that the few people who told me this product is junk and inferior to the protein they use have in common is this – I can lift more than them all, and I most likely started out much lower than them to begin with!
When it comes to supplements, sometimes you also have to look at the price vs. reward. When I first started going to the gym I weighed 115 pounds, and could not even bench 95 pounds. My squats and deadlifts (when I started doing them a few years in) both started at 95 pounds. I was WEAK. Today all of my numbers have gone up 3-4x.. I’m benching and squatting in the 300s, and deadlifting in the 400s for reps. I also gained 75 pounds. And I got there using this as my protein. If I spent TWICE as much money on “better quality protein” would I have gotten Twice as good of results as I’ve gotten or even close? No.
I’ve gotten further in the gym than I could of ever imagined, and I don’t think I would of gotten any further than I did if I was paying more money for a supposedly better protein. So my point is, this protein is as good as you need and for a great price / best around. Why pay double for protein when it’s not going to yield me any better results than what I’ve gotten?
I pay $40 for a 6 LB 75 serving bag. That’s by far the best around. If I buy this protein today, I don’t need to buy it again for another 2+ months. If you go to GNC or even for protein, you’re going to pay $40 for protein that lasts you a month. This product lasts me 2 1/2 months for only $40!!!
—-Side Effects—-
None to report.
I pay $40 for 75 servings that lasts me 2 1/2 months. I’ve been using this protein the entire time, and managed to transform from skinny and weak to putting on some muscle and gaining strength. Some guys have told me how this is a junk product and is garbage, but if it’s such a bad product how come I still made such big gains using it, while saving all this money as opposed to using more expensive products?
If a product does absolutely nothing for me and I can confirm is garbage, then yes i’ll pay much more money for a better product.. But if I’m paying much less for a product that I’m still making such big gains while using, why would I spend double the money for a product that is said to be better but wont give me any better results?
This product is a SUPPLEMENT, and it does just that perfectly. Sometimes things get over rated and people really believe that more money spent = better quality which equals better results.
As I’ve stated before, the 3-4 people who told me this product is junk, and how they use a much better, and more expensive protein, all tell me this while watching me bench squat deadlift and anything else etc.. more than they do!
Rated 4 out of 5
kt34lifting –
Bodybuilding, a respected website creating a respectable brand of supplements.
—-Quick Summary—-
The signature brand is a relatively new brand to the supplements industry. itself is well known and has a huge following. There products are simple but well backed in research and seem all around solid to me so far.
So before I start, as always, I am not at all a nutritionist or have any degree of sorts to back up scientifically what I say in this review, I only go off my experience gathered from lifting and what I can read from scholarly articles to bodybuilding articles. I have been lifting and using supplements for around a year and a half now and gained lots of knowledge from the use and comparison of them. I am an avid lifter and stay very up to date in fitness and supplements.
Now to begin on the Signature Whey. I had seen a lot of hype surrounding this product, it’s a simple whey with the common staples of any whey protein. Composed of whey isolate, concentrate and hydrolysate. These are backed by much research, and are used in many blended proteins made. I had read many places that the vanilla was the best vanilla many people had tasted and that the mixability was good so I decided I would give it a try since I was tired of chocolate flavored proteins.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Bodybuilding went down the right path with fully transparent labeling. There Signature whey is made up of; Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate. Along with other things for consistency and flavor. These types of Whey are mixed at 13 grams isolate, 6 grams hydrolysate, and 6 grams concentrate. There are also digestive enzymes to help digest and absorb the protein and help with any stomach problems many people get from protein.
[b]Taste[/b]- The Vanilla was some of the best tasting protein I have had. I’m new to trying vanilla protein but I’ve had samples of a few others and this one ranks at the top for the best protein taste I’ve had. I normally do not like protein with water however this one I could handle.
[b]Mixability[/b]- this mixed fairly easy for protein. It took a little bit of stirring but nothing to vigorous, and normally wasn’t too clumpy, however it would sometimes randomly clump up a little more which was annoying at times.
[b]Dosing[/b]- Dosing is really hard to tell with protein. From research I read it was doses at effective amounts and made logically sense as to why it is dosed how it is. And the digestive enzymes are doses properly because there is no upset stomach with this protein.
Effectiveness is also a really hard section to determine with protein. However while I was using this I was cutting weight and relying heavily on the protein shakes as protein and a food source in general. I was able to drink the protein shake in place of a snack or full meal. It would fill me up some what and I was losing weight and keeping most of my muscle so it appears to me that it was effective in supplying protein to my body.
The value is pretty great, probably the highlight of this protein. It goes for 27 servings for about 25$ or $50 for 67 servings. However bodybuilding is always having sales on their products so you can almost always get a better deal so very much worth it if it is on sale.
—-Side Effects—-
Zero side effects, easy going on the stomach.
Bodybuilding’s Signature Whey is a no bs fully transparent, inexpensive, and research backed protein. Sounds like a pitch to get someone to buy the protein but that really is just what it is. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done, and does a good job at it. For me I will probably buy it again in the future, it’s something solid to have around especially since it is so inexpensive.
Rated 4 out of 5
Wis3guy –
GNC is trying to get in the game, and I think this is a good start.
—-Quick Summary—-
Supplemental protein is something most of us use. The question comes down to cost and quality. I decided to give this a shot as GNC is right next to Papa Murphy’s..
46 year old trying to keep as mobile as possible. I got off track this spring by messing up my back. Exercise intensity went down, stupid food went up… You can guess the rest. I have been pain free for a while but haven’t got back on track. I picked this up because I was picking up a pizza for the family. I have been trying to workout a little everyday and slowly getting back to it. I used this to increase my protein intake. My log is below however I didn’t really keep track of dosing in it. Just gives an idea on what I do.
Total Carbohydrate 6g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Total Sugars 2g
1g added sugar
Protein 24g
Calcium 130mg
Iron .8mg
Sodium 80mg Potassium 330mg
I hate to beat a drum, but hey this is just protein. This is a blend of Whey protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate. They don’t have carrageenan in it which I appreciate. As it can cause issues for some people. It does have 85mg of Cholesterol, which is more than MTS, however if that is an issue you need to buy an Isolate and be done with it. Overall I am impressed with this product. It is also Banned substance free and certified Informed Choice. So that is a benefit also.
I bought the Chocolate Supreme and I was impressed. Realize that my last protein wasn’t tasty so that could also effect my taste. It was very drinkable, not the best powder I have had but it was really enjoyable and I did go through it pretty fast.
I used this with water by itself and in my smoothies. This mixed really easily in as little as 6oz of water. Which leads me to believe that it is of higher quality than some of the old GNC stuff I have had in the past.
I generally single served this 1 to 2 times a day. I did occasionally have a 2 scoop shake just to see what it would do to me. Protein in my opinion is easy to dose. Take it when you want a treat or when you feel you need to add some protein throughout your day. For me it isn’t rocket science so I try and not overthink it.
Effectiveness for protein powder is simple for me. Does it taste good so I will drink it? Yes. Does it give me stomach discomfort or other issues? no. Is it a quality product that I can trust? I think so.
I use powder as a supplement to my diet and as a treat to take the edge off of my sweet tooth. This product worked well for me. I liked the flavor enough that it would stop me from cheating in the afternoon. It also added some protein to my diet. I have noticed that I eat less protein when I am in full Smoothie diet plan. I assume due to the extra bulk in my tummy, this allowed me to get some back in without having a bloated feeling.
As of 9/3/2018 they have it listed for $24.99 for a 2# jug/25 servings and a 5# jug/64 servings for $49.99
Here is the deal, I actually bought this for $19.99 as I found out my GNC Gold card disappeared and if I signed up for a “new” account I saved $5.00. Another reason I bought it, it was pretty cheap. Obviously the bigger jug is a better deal, and if you can get it on sale even better. My normal comparison is MTS Machine whey which is normally $54.99 for a 5#jug. So this is cheaper, however MTS does taste better in my opinion.
—-Side Effects—-
I had no negative side effects from this product.
If you are looking for a protein and are willing to give GNC another try then I suggest you pick this up. I found my run with this to be rather enjoyable. I mixed well and had enough protein to satisfy my needs. I can also only assume that it will go on sale in which case it will be an even better value. It is nice to see companies finally figure out that simple and clean is best. This product says what it is and it is what it is. No crazy claims, just simple basic no frills protein. Heck, if you haven’t shopped for a while, pick up the card and save some money as the card is now free…. I am happy that I decided to give GNC another chance and I hope you will too.
TheHeavy –
Took me 6lbs of whey to gain 5lbs of muscle
My main objective is to get bigger and leaner. So I buy protein often. I would like to think it has been effective and this latest expenditure paid off as well.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
What sold me on this was the 27g of protein, most other brands are around 20g. The cost versus grams of protein had me sold. Something else it has on the label is 4.7g of Glutamine. According to a contributing writer on, 5gs is optimum for putting on muscle. The ingredients are comparable to most other protein powders you buy.
Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Alkalized Cocoa powder, Natural and artificial flavors, salt, Acesulfame Potassium, soy letchin, sucralose.
It taste really good, I believe it only comes in chocolate or vanilla and I had chocolate. Considering Cytosport is the makers of Muscle Milk and I am not particularly a fan of Muscle Milk, I did enjoy this protein. It mixes well with water, but can be a little clumpy if you mix it with milk as I often do for breakfast.
I put on a consistent 5lbs of muscle. I only say muscle, because according to my measurements my waist is smaller, so I’m calling it muscle. I plan to buy it again once I can find it on sale.
While in search of protein in a good size quantity at a fair price, I stumble on Costco having this on sale. For $30 I got 6lbs of protein. Which is normally double that. It is a good deal and I think it normally sales for around $40, which is still a good deal.
—-Side Effects—-
I feel this is somewhat equal to ON chocolate protein powder. Where ON has less fat, Cytosport has more protein. Flavor and consistency are almost equal, ON is a little creamier.
mjtuf1 –
Nice product, good buy and the numbers don’t lie!
I’ve been going to the gym over 9 years now, and have come a long way going from the skinniest weakest kid to putting on a lot of size and strength. This Whey Protein product I buy at Costco, and I have been buying my protein at Costco not only the entire 9 years in the gym, but even before I started going to the gym, and I have been using this product as far back as I can remember. I have gotten criticized for using this product, but as I’m going to state in this review, numbers don’t lie!
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Total Fat – 1.5 G
Saturated fat 1G
Cholesterol 40 mg
Sodium 180 mg
Potassium 280 mg
Total Carbs 3G
dietary fiber <1 G
Sugars 2G
Calcium 10% Iron 2% Phosphorus 8% Magnesium 4%
AMINO ACID PROFILE: (Typical profile per scoop as claimed by label)
6 Grams of BCAA’s bound from protein
L-Isoleucine 1,635 mg
L-Leucine 2,840 mg
L-Valine 1,535 mg
L-Tryptophan 495 mg
L-Lysine 2,530 mg
L-Threonine 1,820mg
L-Phenylalanine 820 mg
L-Histidine 495 mg
L-Methionine 565 mg
L-Alanaine 1325 mg
L-Arginine 605 mg
L-Glycine 475 mg
L-Aspartic Acid 2,960
L-Glutamine & Precursors 4700 mg
L-Cysteine 615 mg
L-Tyrosine 735 mg
L-Proline 1,555 mg
L-Serine 1295 mg
This product has 40mg cholesterol in it. The RDA is that you shouldn’t consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily, which is a reason I wouldn’t use this product more than twice in a day, because anything more than that is a lot of dietary cholesterol from 1 supplement in a day. There’s conflicting evidence that dietary cholesterol isn’t as important and sat fat is what you have to watch out for, this product only has 1G per serving.
This has L-aspartic Acid, but not to be confused with D-Aspartic Acid which claims to raise Testosterone (it doesn’t), this is a totally different Amino.
This product contains Typtophan which is a precursor to Serotonin and Melatonin.
I buy the chocolate flavor, and it tastes ok, not horrible, and you get used to it fast.. I’ve also used the vanilla flavor in the past, and again it’s not horrible but not the best vanilla flavor out there, personally I prefer the chocolate flavor.
Mixability – This product mixes okay. The directions states to mix this in 6-8 oz of water, but I feel you need more water than that. If you try to mix this in a glass with a spoon it gets alittle clumpy, if you mix it in a blender bottle with more water it mixes good.
Dosing – 1 (36G) Scoop. The directions states the optimal time to use it is post workout, but that you can also use it pre workout. I use this product 1 scoop post workout. For a while I was taking 2 scoops post workout, but that wasn’t giving me any additional benefit, so I dropped back down to 1 scoop. I also usually only use this product 1 scoop per day, and if I use it more then 2 scoops in a day is my limit.
This product is highly effective, and I’ve been buying it mainly for the awesome price I get it for ($40 for 75 servings) that’s by far the best around. I’m sure there are many good whey proteins out there that are BETTER quality than this one, and I’m not even going to argue that. I’ve been criticized by a few people for using this product when talking about supplements in the gym. One guy just the other day in the gym told me this is a junk product and he’s surprised with me that I use this product, and I don’t know much about supplements if I think this one is good.. He then went on to tell me about the protein he uses which is so much better and superior quality and how it’s the only one he’ll use (his protein costs twice as much as this one). The 1 thing that the few people who told me this product is junk and inferior to the protein they use have in common is this – I can lift more than them all, and I most likely started out much lower than them to begin with!
When it comes to supplements, sometimes you also have to look at the price vs. reward. When I first started going to the gym I weighed 115 pounds, and could not even bench 95 pounds. My squats and deadlifts (when I started doing them a few years in) both started at 95 pounds. I was WEAK. Today all of my numbers have gone up 3-4x.. I’m benching and squatting in the 300s, and deadlifting in the 400s for reps. I also gained 75 pounds. And I got there using this as my protein. If I spent TWICE as much money on “better quality protein” would I have gotten Twice as good of results as I’ve gotten or even close? No.
I’ve gotten further in the gym than I could of ever imagined, and I don’t think I would of gotten any further than I did if I was paying more money for a supposedly better protein. So my point is, this protein is as good as you need and for a great price / best around. Why pay double for protein when it’s not going to yield me any better results than what I’ve gotten?
I pay $40 for a 6 LB 75 serving bag. That’s by far the best around. If I buy this protein today, I don’t need to buy it again for another 2+ months. If you go to GNC or even for protein, you’re going to pay $40 for protein that lasts you a month. This product lasts me 2 1/2 months for only $40!!!
—-Side Effects—-
None to report.
I pay $40 for 75 servings that lasts me 2 1/2 months. I’ve been using this protein the entire time, and managed to transform from skinny and weak to putting on some muscle and gaining strength. Some guys have told me how this is a junk product and is garbage, but if it’s such a bad product how come I still made such big gains using it, while saving all this money as opposed to using more expensive products?
If a product does absolutely nothing for me and I can confirm is garbage, then yes i’ll pay much more money for a better product.. But if I’m paying much less for a product that I’m still making such big gains while using, why would I spend double the money for a product that is said to be better but wont give me any better results?
This product is a SUPPLEMENT, and it does just that perfectly. Sometimes things get over rated and people really believe that more money spent = better quality which equals better results.
As I’ve stated before, the 3-4 people who told me this product is junk, and how they use a much better, and more expensive protein, all tell me this while watching me bench squat deadlift and anything else etc.. more than they do!
kt34lifting –
Bodybuilding, a respected website creating a respectable brand of supplements.
—-Quick Summary—-
The signature brand is a relatively new brand to the supplements industry. itself is well known and has a huge following. There products are simple but well backed in research and seem all around solid to me so far.
So before I start, as always, I am not at all a nutritionist or have any degree of sorts to back up scientifically what I say in this review, I only go off my experience gathered from lifting and what I can read from scholarly articles to bodybuilding articles. I have been lifting and using supplements for around a year and a half now and gained lots of knowledge from the use and comparison of them. I am an avid lifter and stay very up to date in fitness and supplements.
Now to begin on the Signature Whey. I had seen a lot of hype surrounding this product, it’s a simple whey with the common staples of any whey protein. Composed of whey isolate, concentrate and hydrolysate. These are backed by much research, and are used in many blended proteins made. I had read many places that the vanilla was the best vanilla many people had tasted and that the mixability was good so I decided I would give it a try since I was tired of chocolate flavored proteins.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Bodybuilding went down the right path with fully transparent labeling. There Signature whey is made up of; Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate. Along with other things for consistency and flavor. These types of Whey are mixed at 13 grams isolate, 6 grams hydrolysate, and 6 grams concentrate. There are also digestive enzymes to help digest and absorb the protein and help with any stomach problems many people get from protein.
[b]Taste[/b]- The Vanilla was some of the best tasting protein I have had. I’m new to trying vanilla protein but I’ve had samples of a few others and this one ranks at the top for the best protein taste I’ve had. I normally do not like protein with water however this one I could handle.
[b]Mixability[/b]- this mixed fairly easy for protein. It took a little bit of stirring but nothing to vigorous, and normally wasn’t too clumpy, however it would sometimes randomly clump up a little more which was annoying at times.
[b]Dosing[/b]- Dosing is really hard to tell with protein. From research I read it was doses at effective amounts and made logically sense as to why it is dosed how it is. And the digestive enzymes are doses properly because there is no upset stomach with this protein.
Effectiveness is also a really hard section to determine with protein. However while I was using this I was cutting weight and relying heavily on the protein shakes as protein and a food source in general. I was able to drink the protein shake in place of a snack or full meal. It would fill me up some what and I was losing weight and keeping most of my muscle so it appears to me that it was effective in supplying protein to my body.
The value is pretty great, probably the highlight of this protein. It goes for 27 servings for about 25$ or $50 for 67 servings. However bodybuilding is always having sales on their products so you can almost always get a better deal so very much worth it if it is on sale.
—-Side Effects—-
Zero side effects, easy going on the stomach.
Bodybuilding’s Signature Whey is a no bs fully transparent, inexpensive, and research backed protein. Sounds like a pitch to get someone to buy the protein but that really is just what it is. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done, and does a good job at it. For me I will probably buy it again in the future, it’s something solid to have around especially since it is so inexpensive.
Wis3guy –
GNC is trying to get in the game, and I think this is a good start.
—-Quick Summary—-
Supplemental protein is something most of us use. The question comes down to cost and quality. I decided to give this a shot as GNC is right next to Papa Murphy’s..
46 year old trying to keep as mobile as possible. I got off track this spring by messing up my back. Exercise intensity went down, stupid food went up… You can guess the rest. I have been pain free for a while but haven’t got back on track. I picked this up because I was picking up a pizza for the family. I have been trying to workout a little everyday and slowly getting back to it. I used this to increase my protein intake. My log is below however I didn’t really keep track of dosing in it. Just gives an idea on what I do.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
1 scoop (35.5g)
Calories 140
Total Fat 2g
Saturated fat 1g
Cholesterol 80mg
Total Carbohydrate 6g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Total Sugars 2g
1g added sugar
Protein 24g
Calcium 130mg
Iron .8mg
Sodium 80mg
Potassium 330mg
I hate to beat a drum, but hey this is just protein. This is a blend of Whey protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate. They don’t have carrageenan in it which I appreciate. As it can cause issues for some people. It does have 85mg of Cholesterol, which is more than MTS, however if that is an issue you need to buy an Isolate and be done with it. Overall I am impressed with this product. It is also Banned substance free and certified Informed Choice. So that is a benefit also.
I bought the Chocolate Supreme and I was impressed. Realize that my last protein wasn’t tasty so that could also effect my taste. It was very drinkable, not the best powder I have had but it was really enjoyable and I did go through it pretty fast.
I used this with water by itself and in my smoothies. This mixed really easily in as little as 6oz of water. Which leads me to believe that it is of higher quality than some of the old GNC stuff I have had in the past.
I generally single served this 1 to 2 times a day. I did occasionally have a 2 scoop shake just to see what it would do to me. Protein in my opinion is easy to dose. Take it when you want a treat or when you feel you need to add some protein throughout your day. For me it isn’t rocket science so I try and not overthink it.
Effectiveness for protein powder is simple for me. Does it taste good so I will drink it? Yes. Does it give me stomach discomfort or other issues? no. Is it a quality product that I can trust? I think so.
I use powder as a supplement to my diet and as a treat to take the edge off of my sweet tooth. This product worked well for me. I liked the flavor enough that it would stop me from cheating in the afternoon. It also added some protein to my diet. I have noticed that I eat less protein when I am in full Smoothie diet plan. I assume due to the extra bulk in my tummy, this allowed me to get some back in without having a bloated feeling.
As of 9/3/2018 they have it listed for $24.99 for a 2# jug/25 servings and a 5# jug/64 servings for $49.99
Here is the deal, I actually bought this for $19.99 as I found out my GNC Gold card disappeared and if I signed up for a “new” account I saved $5.00. Another reason I bought it, it was pretty cheap. Obviously the bigger jug is a better deal, and if you can get it on sale even better. My normal comparison is MTS Machine whey which is normally $54.99 for a 5#jug. So this is cheaper, however MTS does taste better in my opinion.
—-Side Effects—-
I had no negative side effects from this product.
If you are looking for a protein and are willing to give GNC another try then I suggest you pick this up. I found my run with this to be rather enjoyable. I mixed well and had enough protein to satisfy my needs. I can also only assume that it will go on sale in which case it will be an even better value. It is nice to see companies finally figure out that simple and clean is best. This product says what it is and it is what it is. No crazy claims, just simple basic no frills protein. Heck, if you haven’t shopped for a while, pick up the card and save some money as the card is now free…. I am happy that I decided to give GNC another chance and I hope you will too.