High Quality, High Price, Nothing to Stand Out from the rest!!
I lift 5-6 days a week and will typically drink 2-3 shakes of Protein a day. I have become a fan of Jym products recently with their high quality ingredients and transparency on their labels. This was the first blended protein I tried vs using Whey and Casein. Of note, this falls under WHEY Protein on the site, when it should be under Blended.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Overall you get 24g of Protein per scoop. The Protein breakdown is 7.5g Whey Protein Isolate, 7g Micellar Casein, 7g Milk Protein Isolate, and 2.5g Egg White Protein. So that breaks down to 50% Whey, 40% Casein, and 10% egg proteins. Each scoop also contains 140 calories, which is not too bad in my opinion. As always with Jym products, all ingredients are listed out on the label (see included pictures) and each ingredient is of high quality (at least it always feels that way with the results and taste). The ingredients here are pretty standard for a blend, and there is nothing that makes it Stand out from the rest. I took a look at Ronnie Colemans Pro Antium, and it contains 5g of Creatine, and ingredients like that make it stand out from the competition.
Taste: So I tried two flavors while running my last stack, they were Cookies n Cream and Red Velvet Cake. The Cookies n Cream was INSANE, and was the best tasting protein I have ever had. I only had 2lbs of it and loved it so much I went ahead and ordered 4lbs of Red Velvet Cake. I love all things Red Velvet, and this was disappointing. I am not sure why I thought a Protein and Red Velvet Cake should be a great combo, but I learned my lesson. It was not great, it was not bad, it was just bland, but very drinkable. It did not knock my socks off like Cookies n Cream.
Mixability: The directions recommend 6-12oz water per scoop. I tried it with around 8-10oz at first, and found that it was clumpy at the bottom still. I used between 12-16oz of water on average, and had no issues with clumping or bottom residue. So, my advice is to use a minimum of 12oz water.
Dosing: I used one scoop upon wakeup, which was also my Pre workout, since I workout first thing in the morning. I used another scoop post workout. The directions recommend one scoop upon wakeup, one scoop pre workout, one scoop post workout, and one scoop before bed. It also states you can use 1-2 scoops between meals. I supplement my protein between meals with a Protein Bar, or more recently a Lenny & Larry Cookie. So nothing out of the ordinary here, just use as normal.
Ok, so disclaimer here is i used this protein in a stack with a multivitamin, fish oil, creatine, PWO, and BCAAs. I did end up gaining around 8 pounds of lean muscle in 6.2 lbs of use of this protein, which took around 38 days. I was on a new workout program as well that does more lifting than I am used to and I did not do any cardio due to previous injuries. So there are obviously a lot of factors at play here, but what I can say is this Protein did its job. I did not lose weight and this protein truly did supplement my diet, but getting my clean, quality protein first thing in the morning and post workout, when it is truly important. I imagine everyone has a hard time reviewing protein and saying, Yes, this did the job by itself, but it did not do anything negative. So if you are looking to give this a shot, you should, its good, quality protein.
This becomes one of the biggest sticking points of the product. I got 2lbs of Cookies n Cream from BB.com in a stack for $29.54, so thats roughly 25 servings, and comes out to $1.18 per serving. I then bought 4lb of Red Velvet Cake flavor from Amazon for $55.06, roughly 50 servings, coming out to about $1.10 per serving. So buying in bulk really only saves you 8 cents per serving, a couple bucks essentially. Comparing this to Ronnie Colemans Pro Antium, the price is about the same, but as i said in ingredients at least Pro Antium has stand out ingredients such as Creatine, to make it a little more bang for your buck rather than standard proteins. If you were to use the recommended servings per day, about 4, this product would not last long at all. So, yes this is expensive, but you get what you pay for.
—-Side Effects—-
None at all.
Overall, this Protein Blend did its job. There is nothing included in this blend that makes it stand out from the rest, its your basic ingredients of a blended protein. This feels of high quality, and is pretty expensive. I would recommend this product if your looking for a high quality blended protein and you had some extra money to burn. I will likely go back to Whey Protein Isolate and Casein proteins after this, and likely will not try this again unless there is a great deal out there!
Rated 4 out of 5
jamesjsix –
A strong contender in the protein wars, but there is a premium to be paid
Greetings SR! I took this product on my last deployment along with the rest of the Jym stack. I was convinced to do Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size and figured might as well go with the good Doc’s own sups since I was doing his program and had very few expenses while deployed. Let’s go over how this protein held up.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Ingredient Profile
Calories 140
Calories from Fat 25
Total Fat 2.5g
Sat Fat 2.5g
Cholesterol 415mg Total Carb 4g
Sugars 1g
Protein 24g
Calcium 413mg
Sodium 20mg Potassium 115mg
Looking at the ingredients first, do I need a creamer in here? Probably not, but since protein shakes are better when you actually want to drink them, I’m fine with it in here. The rest is pretty standard fare, there are a few ingredients that some people are not totally happy with in their shakes (Ace-K, Sucralose) but I have no issues with some artificial ingredients as long as they are pretty well researched. For the protein, we’re looking at just over half Casein and most of the rest isolate (just a touch of egg). I like this split of short and long digesting proteins.
For the nutritional info, again not too much to say here, its fairly standard for a blended protein at 140 calories and nothing here gives me pause.
I got the standard vanilla (Jym is calling it Tahitian Vanilla Bean) and it was on the better side of vanillas that I have tasted in protein shakes, not overly sweet but a creamy taste and texture. Mixibility was pretty good, I’m assuming from the creamer and the dosing of the ingredients is about right for a protein shake. I generally prefer slightly higher dosing of protein (the 30g from Pro-Antium comes to mind) but this is pretty much the standard so its hard to fault Jym for that.
Its a protein shake, it has protein, that’s what its supposed to do. In addition to helping to hit my macros for the day, the shake also did help to decrease my DOMS (at least it did so when combined with the rest of the stack). Other than those two things, that’s the bulk of what I am looking for from my shakes. As an aside, it did keep me moderately full, something in between a straight whey and a full casein and that logically followed.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a solid protein, but its danged expensive for a fairly standard protein shake. At the time of writing this review, bodybuilding has the 4 lb tub for $57, which makes it $1.10 a serving. If you wanted an almost identical blend, you could simply use half a scoop of isolate and half a scoop of micellar casein together and your paying about .45 cents. I pulled those numbers from my recent order from MyProtein of both products (5.5 lb bags).
Also, other blends are much cheaper per serving, and with other add-ins such as creatine. If you need to know what types of protein you are getting fro your blends and you don’t mind the non-dairy creamer, this can be a good protein but from a strictly value standpoint, its hard to justify except for the convenience.
—-Side Effects—-
None noticed, I tend not to have too many issues with gas from protein powders however so your mileage may vary.
All in all, Jym makes for a pretty dang good protein. The clear protein source and type breakdown is something that I wish was far more common than we get right now in the supplement world. Unfortunately, the value for the dollar just isn’t there for me. I would definitely recommend the product overall, but I think its more of a premium that isn’t required and at the price point, there might be better options.
As an aside, this should be in the blend category and not the why category, if anything its casein heavy.
Rated 4 out of 5
Wooseokson94 –
Never tried Pro jym? Try now and notice the size
Hello SR’s, as all you guys wondered what protein the pro jym is, this is a protein blend, which means its mixed protein such as wpi, wph, wpc etc.
—-Ingredient Profile—
This has a 24g of protein with 150calories. Thats not bad! Moreover, the details is specifically described on the back of the protein.
Most tasty flavor is coockies & cream. Trust me, it really taste like one of the Hersheys cookie & cream. I recommend getting this flavor
I used to take Gold standard because as everyone knows that it is most popular protein in bodybuilding supplements. It was very difficult to gain weight when I took Gold standard,but this protein have increased my strength and muscle mass! Try to take 4scoops /day which gives you about 96grams of protein in a day. Take 1 scoop in the morning right after you woke up, before/ after work out, and before sleep.
The protein is little expensive as you know. But remember, you earn what you pay for.
—-Side Effects—-
No side effects. Perfect protein blend
If the protein is out of your budget, try to look into gold standard. But as you know, the muscle grows when your resting. If you take gold standard, you might want to take casein protein for slow digestion before sleep so the muscle could grow. But Pro Jym has slow and fast protein digestion mixed inside. Give it a try!
Rated 3 out of 5
JohnSerio –
So Close To Being One Of The Best.
—-Quick Summary—-
Pro Jym is a casein heavy blend protein with a transparent label for protein sources.
I used Pro Jym in both caloric deficit and surplus. I liked it more while I was cutting because the thicker powder kept me full a bit longer. I used this protein to meet my protein goals throughout the day, I never used it as a post workout supplement as I prefer using whey isolate post workout.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Jym’s line is very transparent in labeling and I think the way the protein types are broken down here is very cool and something we should see more of in protein blends. The front of the tub shows the types of protein used and the amount of protein from each source.
1 Scoop of Pro Jym is either 140 or 150 calories depending on flavor. My review will be based on the Red Velvet Cake flavor which is 140 calories, these calories come from 3g of fat 5g of carbs and 24g of protein. Pro Jym also has 1g of sugar and 15mg of cholesterol. The protein is broken down to 7.5g whey protein isolate, 7g micellar casein, 2.5g egg albumin, and 7g milk protein isolate (5.5g casein, 1.5g whey). This blend is casein heavy with 50% of the total protein being micellar casein. I enjoy this blend for a protein to use throughout the day because it feels more like a meal replacement shake and can keep me fuller.
I really do not understand the inclusion of a non-dairy creamer in this protein. Especially because it contains milk protein already, and that creamer contains corn syrup sweeteners.
My taste and mixability review will be based on mixing one scoop with 8oz of water.
The taste was pretty bad. I have had the Red Velvet Cake and Root Beer Float flavors. The red velvet was incredibly bland, more of a vanilla than a red velvet, and even for a vanilla, it was really bad. I would have preferred a flavorless protein because that is pretty close to what this was.
The Root Beer Float flavor was somehow worse than the red velvet. The initial root beer flavor was fantastic, but the vanilla type of aftertaste was disgusting and left me not wanting to take another sip. I chugged every scoop of this protein because of the aftertaste.
Mixability was okay, it took a while and often required a blender ball. The powder would tend to get stuck under the cap which was annoying. The powder was also very sticky which could be annoying if you spill it.
I took one or two scoops a day depending on how many grams of protein I had that day. One scoop did keep me pretty full which is nice.
This product was pretty effective. It helped me reach my macros and kept me full. These two points are very important for a snack protein, but here is where it falls short for me. At 5g of carbs per scoop and 24g of protein, there are many other protein blends I can use that will help me meet my macros with fewer carbs. When my macro budget starts getting tight I might have to look elsewhere. The other factor that brought down the effectiveness is it does not help with carb or sweet cravings the way most proteins do, even most average protein flavors will help with this but the bland or just plain bad flavors of Pro Jym will not. I did not have any problems with bloating or GI distress from this product. I would love to find another protein that was this good at keeping me full just with less carbs and a decent flavor.
Pro Jym is available at 34.99 for a 2lb tub ($1.35/serving) or 56.98 for a 4lb tub ($1.10/serving). This is pretty pricey for a protein supplement, and a bit above average for a whey blend. You can get Pro-Antium (Ronnie Coleman Signature Series) or Select Protein (PES) for a better price per serving.
—-Side Effects—-
This protein had some good and some bad. At this price I would reccomend steering clear of Pro Jym.
DaSlaya –
High Quality, High Price, Nothing to Stand Out from the rest!!
I lift 5-6 days a week and will typically drink 2-3 shakes of Protein a day. I have become a fan of Jym products recently with their high quality ingredients and transparency on their labels. This was the first blended protein I tried vs using Whey and Casein. Of note, this falls under WHEY Protein on the site, when it should be under Blended.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Overall you get 24g of Protein per scoop. The Protein breakdown is 7.5g Whey Protein Isolate, 7g Micellar Casein, 7g Milk Protein Isolate, and 2.5g Egg White Protein. So that breaks down to 50% Whey, 40% Casein, and 10% egg proteins. Each scoop also contains 140 calories, which is not too bad in my opinion. As always with Jym products, all ingredients are listed out on the label (see included pictures) and each ingredient is of high quality (at least it always feels that way with the results and taste). The ingredients here are pretty standard for a blend, and there is nothing that makes it Stand out from the rest. I took a look at Ronnie Colemans Pro Antium, and it contains 5g of Creatine, and ingredients like that make it stand out from the competition.
Taste: So I tried two flavors while running my last stack, they were Cookies n Cream and Red Velvet Cake. The Cookies n Cream was INSANE, and was the best tasting protein I have ever had. I only had 2lbs of it and loved it so much I went ahead and ordered 4lbs of Red Velvet Cake. I love all things Red Velvet, and this was disappointing. I am not sure why I thought a Protein and Red Velvet Cake should be a great combo, but I learned my lesson. It was not great, it was not bad, it was just bland, but very drinkable. It did not knock my socks off like Cookies n Cream.
Mixability: The directions recommend 6-12oz water per scoop. I tried it with around 8-10oz at first, and found that it was clumpy at the bottom still. I used between 12-16oz of water on average, and had no issues with clumping or bottom residue. So, my advice is to use a minimum of 12oz water.
Dosing: I used one scoop upon wakeup, which was also my Pre workout, since I workout first thing in the morning. I used another scoop post workout. The directions recommend one scoop upon wakeup, one scoop pre workout, one scoop post workout, and one scoop before bed. It also states you can use 1-2 scoops between meals. I supplement my protein between meals with a Protein Bar, or more recently a Lenny & Larry Cookie. So nothing out of the ordinary here, just use as normal.
Ok, so disclaimer here is i used this protein in a stack with a multivitamin, fish oil, creatine, PWO, and BCAAs. I did end up gaining around 8 pounds of lean muscle in 6.2 lbs of use of this protein, which took around 38 days. I was on a new workout program as well that does more lifting than I am used to and I did not do any cardio due to previous injuries. So there are obviously a lot of factors at play here, but what I can say is this Protein did its job. I did not lose weight and this protein truly did supplement my diet, but getting my clean, quality protein first thing in the morning and post workout, when it is truly important. I imagine everyone has a hard time reviewing protein and saying, Yes, this did the job by itself, but it did not do anything negative. So if you are looking to give this a shot, you should, its good, quality protein.
This becomes one of the biggest sticking points of the product. I got 2lbs of Cookies n Cream from BB.com in a stack for $29.54, so thats roughly 25 servings, and comes out to $1.18 per serving. I then bought 4lb of Red Velvet Cake flavor from Amazon for $55.06, roughly 50 servings, coming out to about $1.10 per serving. So buying in bulk really only saves you 8 cents per serving, a couple bucks essentially. Comparing this to Ronnie Colemans Pro Antium, the price is about the same, but as i said in ingredients at least Pro Antium has stand out ingredients such as Creatine, to make it a little more bang for your buck rather than standard proteins. If you were to use the recommended servings per day, about 4, this product would not last long at all. So, yes this is expensive, but you get what you pay for.
—-Side Effects—-
None at all.
Overall, this Protein Blend did its job. There is nothing included in this blend that makes it stand out from the rest, its your basic ingredients of a blended protein. This feels of high quality, and is pretty expensive. I would recommend this product if your looking for a high quality blended protein and you had some extra money to burn. I will likely go back to Whey Protein Isolate and Casein proteins after this, and likely will not try this again unless there is a great deal out there!
jamesjsix –
A strong contender in the protein wars, but there is a premium to be paid
Greetings SR! I took this product on my last deployment along with the rest of the Jym stack. I was convinced to do Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size and figured might as well go with the good Doc’s own sups since I was doing his program and had very few expenses while deployed. Let’s go over how this protein held up.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Ingredient Profile
Calories 140
Calories from Fat 25
Total Fat 2.5g
Sat Fat 2.5g
Cholesterol 415mg
Total Carb 4g
Sugars 1g
Protein 24g
Calcium 413mg
Sodium 20mg
Potassium 115mg
Protein Blend
Whey protein isolate: 7.5g
Micellar casein: 7g
Egg albumin: 2.5g
Milk protein isolate: 7g (5.5g casein, 1.5g whey)
Coconut-Based Creamer (Coconut Oil, Maltodextrin, Food Starch, Mono- and Diglycerides, Tricalcium Phosphate)
Natural Flavors
Gum Blend (Cellulose Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan)
Vanilla Bean Particulates
Acesulfame Potassium
Silicon Dioxide
Sunflower Lecithin
Looking at the ingredients first, do I need a creamer in here? Probably not, but since protein shakes are better when you actually want to drink them, I’m fine with it in here. The rest is pretty standard fare, there are a few ingredients that some people are not totally happy with in their shakes (Ace-K, Sucralose) but I have no issues with some artificial ingredients as long as they are pretty well researched. For the protein, we’re looking at just over half Casein and most of the rest isolate (just a touch of egg). I like this split of short and long digesting proteins.
For the nutritional info, again not too much to say here, its fairly standard for a blended protein at 140 calories and nothing here gives me pause.
I got the standard vanilla (Jym is calling it Tahitian Vanilla Bean) and it was on the better side of vanillas that I have tasted in protein shakes, not overly sweet but a creamy taste and texture. Mixibility was pretty good, I’m assuming from the creamer and the dosing of the ingredients is about right for a protein shake. I generally prefer slightly higher dosing of protein (the 30g from Pro-Antium comes to mind) but this is pretty much the standard so its hard to fault Jym for that.
Its a protein shake, it has protein, that’s what its supposed to do. In addition to helping to hit my macros for the day, the shake also did help to decrease my DOMS (at least it did so when combined with the rest of the stack). Other than those two things, that’s the bulk of what I am looking for from my shakes. As an aside, it did keep me moderately full, something in between a straight whey and a full casein and that logically followed.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a solid protein, but its danged expensive for a fairly standard protein shake. At the time of writing this review, bodybuilding has the 4 lb tub for $57, which makes it $1.10 a serving. If you wanted an almost identical blend, you could simply use half a scoop of isolate and half a scoop of micellar casein together and your paying about .45 cents. I pulled those numbers from my recent order from MyProtein of both products (5.5 lb bags).
Also, other blends are much cheaper per serving, and with other add-ins such as creatine. If you need to know what types of protein you are getting fro your blends and you don’t mind the non-dairy creamer, this can be a good protein but from a strictly value standpoint, its hard to justify except for the convenience.
—-Side Effects—-
None noticed, I tend not to have too many issues with gas from protein powders however so your mileage may vary.
All in all, Jym makes for a pretty dang good protein. The clear protein source and type breakdown is something that I wish was far more common than we get right now in the supplement world. Unfortunately, the value for the dollar just isn’t there for me. I would definitely recommend the product overall, but I think its more of a premium that isn’t required and at the price point, there might be better options.
As an aside, this should be in the blend category and not the why category, if anything its casein heavy.
Wooseokson94 –
Never tried Pro jym? Try now and notice the size
Hello SR’s, as all you guys wondered what protein the pro jym is, this is a protein blend, which means its mixed protein such as wpi, wph, wpc etc.
—-Ingredient Profile—
This has a 24g of protein with 150calories. Thats not bad! Moreover, the details is specifically described on the back of the protein.
Most tasty flavor is coockies & cream. Trust me, it really taste like one of the Hersheys cookie & cream. I recommend getting this flavor
I used to take Gold standard because as everyone knows that it is most popular protein in bodybuilding supplements. It was very difficult to gain weight when I took Gold standard,but this protein have increased my strength and muscle mass! Try to take 4scoops /day which gives you about 96grams of protein in a day. Take 1 scoop in the morning right after you woke up, before/ after work out, and before sleep.
The protein is little expensive as you know. But remember, you earn what you pay for.
—-Side Effects—-
No side effects. Perfect protein blend
If the protein is out of your budget, try to look into gold standard. But as you know, the muscle grows when your resting. If you take gold standard, you might want to take casein protein for slow digestion before sleep so the muscle could grow. But Pro Jym has slow and fast protein digestion mixed inside. Give it a try!
JohnSerio –
So Close To Being One Of The Best.
—-Quick Summary—-
Pro Jym is a casein heavy blend protein with a transparent label for protein sources.
I used Pro Jym in both caloric deficit and surplus. I liked it more while I was cutting because the thicker powder kept me full a bit longer. I used this protein to meet my protein goals throughout the day, I never used it as a post workout supplement as I prefer using whey isolate post workout.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Jym’s line is very transparent in labeling and I think the way the protein types are broken down here is very cool and something we should see more of in protein blends. The front of the tub shows the types of protein used and the amount of protein from each source.
1 Scoop of Pro Jym is either 140 or 150 calories depending on flavor. My review will be based on the Red Velvet Cake flavor which is 140 calories, these calories come from 3g of fat 5g of carbs and 24g of protein. Pro Jym also has 1g of sugar and 15mg of cholesterol. The protein is broken down to 7.5g whey protein isolate, 7g micellar casein, 2.5g egg albumin, and 7g milk protein isolate (5.5g casein, 1.5g whey). This blend is casein heavy with 50% of the total protein being micellar casein. I enjoy this blend for a protein to use throughout the day because it feels more like a meal replacement shake and can keep me fuller.
I really do not understand the inclusion of a non-dairy creamer in this protein. Especially because it contains milk protein already, and that creamer contains corn syrup sweeteners.
My taste and mixability review will be based on mixing one scoop with 8oz of water.
The taste was pretty bad. I have had the Red Velvet Cake and Root Beer Float flavors. The red velvet was incredibly bland, more of a vanilla than a red velvet, and even for a vanilla, it was really bad. I would have preferred a flavorless protein because that is pretty close to what this was.
The Root Beer Float flavor was somehow worse than the red velvet. The initial root beer flavor was fantastic, but the vanilla type of aftertaste was disgusting and left me not wanting to take another sip. I chugged every scoop of this protein because of the aftertaste.
Mixability was okay, it took a while and often required a blender ball. The powder would tend to get stuck under the cap which was annoying. The powder was also very sticky which could be annoying if you spill it.
I took one or two scoops a day depending on how many grams of protein I had that day. One scoop did keep me pretty full which is nice.
This product was pretty effective. It helped me reach my macros and kept me full. These two points are very important for a snack protein, but here is where it falls short for me. At 5g of carbs per scoop and 24g of protein, there are many other protein blends I can use that will help me meet my macros with fewer carbs. When my macro budget starts getting tight I might have to look elsewhere. The other factor that brought down the effectiveness is it does not help with carb or sweet cravings the way most proteins do, even most average protein flavors will help with this but the bland or just plain bad flavors of Pro Jym will not. I did not have any problems with bloating or GI distress from this product. I would love to find another protein that was this good at keeping me full just with less carbs and a decent flavor.
Pro Jym is available at 34.99 for a 2lb tub ($1.35/serving) or 56.98 for a 4lb tub ($1.10/serving). This is pretty pricey for a protein supplement, and a bit above average for a whey blend. You can get Pro-Antium (Ronnie Coleman Signature Series) or Select Protein (PES) for a better price per serving.
—-Side Effects—-
This protein had some good and some bad. At this price I would reccomend steering clear of Pro Jym.