Opti-Greens 50 is a digestive-health product manufactured by 1st Phorm. It is designed to improve energy, digestive function and digestive health.
The product’s “Green Superfood Complex” includes several plants from organic sources. These include spirulina, barley grass, wheatgrass, spinach, kale and broccoli. These ingredients are sources of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.
Opti-Greens 50 also features grape seed extract, green tea and cinnamon. These ingredients are said to work together to help balance blood sugar and support metabolic health.
This greens supplement is made in the USA. According to the manufacturer, it contains “low-temperature-processed nutrients” to achieve “maximum bioavailability”.
workoutguru –
Helping you to get all of those 50 OPTI-GREENS your body will thank you for.
First I want to thank 1st Phorm for letting us troopers have the chance to give this product a try. This is my first ever 1st Phorm product I will have used. At first when this showed up on the trooper program I was unsure if I wanted to try this or not. After looking into this product a little more I decided I would give this a try. I am someone that does not consume enough fruits and veggies and I figured this could help me a bit. I was interested in seeing how this would help me overall health wise and maybe help with my immune system and joints a bit more.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
This is made up of 50 hand chosen ingredients. This use low temperature processed ingredients. No synthetic colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 100% NON-GMO. This is made up into 5 different categories. First you get Green Superfood Complex at 6180mg. This is made up of a blend of 8 ORGANIC grasses and greens. This helps you benefit from the blood cleansing abilities of chlorophyll, as well as achieving overall balance of the pH level (acid vs alkaline) in the body. Second you get Glycemic Balance Blend 2224mg. This helps optimize the carbs you ingest to increase the amount being stored as muscle energy instead of storing them as fat. Maintaining a healthy glycemic response can also provide you with all day energy instead of the highs and lows in energy and mood associated with glycemic levels that spike and crash. Third you get Phytonutrient Complex 430mg. This contains carotenoids and bioflavonoids. These two antioxidants are essential for the removal of tissue damaging free radicals from your body. The complex also contains Curcumin derived from Organic Turmeric. Curcumin is an antioxidant that is also well known for its ability to reduce joint pain and other inflammatory induced symptoms. Fourth you get Plant Enzyme Blend. This helps make sure the foods you eat are properly broken down and digested. Fifth you get Probiotic Blend 1 billion CFU’s. This contains over 1 Billion CFU’s (colony-forming units) from 10 different strains of bacteria to aid in the absorption of the nutrients being extracted from the food. Probiotics and digestive enzymes are crucial components to having a healthy digestive tract, improving digestion, increasing immunity, increasing energy and promoting regular bowel movements.
This comes in one flavor Natural Berry. As soon as I saw what the powder for this looked like I knew right away this can’t be very good and boy was I correct. This stuff tastes horrible and you will need to mix this with some kind of juice or flavored beverage for sure. I mixed this with some left over aminos I had and that helped a bit but still left a weird after taste in my mouth. I have heard that a lot of green products like this don’t usually taste very good and that for sure was the case with this. I understand they want to go with a more natural taste since this is an all natural product but you still need to be able to drink it and not gag while doing so. This comes in a dark green looking powder. The powder in this looked like food you would feed your rabbit or hamster lol. When mixed it had a very dark green color to it. Had no real issues with this when I mixed it with water. They say 2 scoops is one serving and there are a total of 30 servings in this. I would normally take this right away in the mornings before work but could be taken pretty much when ever you wanted to.
I am like most typical bodybuilders and don’t consume enough fruits and veggies like I should be. I tend to consume a lot more proteins which is not bad but should still should be getting those fruits and veggies also which are important and do a lot for you. This is where a product like this comes in handy. It’s still better to consume the real thing but this is better than nothing. I found this worked fairly well for my overall well being and health. I did notice some changes in my skin. I tend to deal with some acne at times and I feel this helped clear up my skin a little better. Since this helps balance out your PH levels better I feel this helped with causing me less acne issues. Also I noticed my hair and nails seem to grow a little faster which is understandable because of the extra nutrients I was putting in my body. I think overall my immune system was a lot better. Since this is the time of year that colds are more likely to happen I think this really helped lessen my chances of getting some kind of cold so far which was nice. Also I feel this really helps you to avoid getting sick because your getting a lot of difference stuff in here that will really help protect your body better. Also I had been dealing with some joint issues I had been noticing in my joints and have seemed to feel a little better and not bother me as much. When I would do certain lifts I have a little harder time doing them because of my joints bothering me and with this product I feel helped make them feel more lubed up so they did not hurt as much. I also feel this helped reduce some of that inflammation I would get in my joints from working out so much. Overall I don’t feel my energy levels where that much better but just felt better overall. I feel this helped me recover a little better and helped detox my body better by helping me get rid of a lot of junk in my body I don’t need. I feel with this that it helped me a bit more to have more regular bowl movements and helped keep me feeling more regular. I feel that overall my digestion seemed to be a lot better and had a lot less issues digesting food my in system. Stuff did not seem to sit in my stomach as long because of the better digestion I had.
I had a hard time finding this company on any other sites so I had to go with the price they want on their website. They want $54.99 for 30 servings. I think for a product like this that is a little to high for me. I know if other sites could start carrying this product line the price I know would be a bit cheaper and that would really help a lot for a product like this.
—-Side Effects—-
Nothing I noticed.
If your someone that has a hard time consuming your fruits and veggies this is a great option to go with. The one major issue with a product like this is taste. Products like this are very hard to mask the taste of unless you add a lot of fillers which are bad if you are trying to stay all natural. There are a lot of things a product like this can do for you that you don’t always notices. Some of those things you can notice but a lot of them you don’t. They really fill this with a lot of different things which I really like that help make this a little better than some of the other green products out there. If you can deal with the taste I would recommend giving this a try. I would like to see some other sites start carrying their product line so the price can be lowered a bit. Right now the price they want on their site is just to high for me. Overall I think it’s a decent product and does work if you use it consistently. Again I want to give a big shout out to 1st Phorm for making this product and letting me have the chance to give it a try.
WarMachine –
The Goodness Of The Green Stuff, While Keeping Your “Plumbing” In Check
A special thanks to 1st Phorm for their participation here on SR.com. Today, I discuss my experience with their Greens supplement Opti-Greens 50. I am not a frequent user of these types supplements. Though, using one on occasion to help give my immune system, natural energy levels, and regularity a booster is something that I think is well worth the investment. I find this of particular importance during the winter months when sickness can be more rampant.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
The profile is divided into five prop blended sections. I usually take points off for prop blends, but being as there are so many ingredients at once, I’ll disregard it in this case. Also, for times sake, please refer to the included image for a more detailed overview of the actual ingredients as it will take too long to list and discuss them all. The profile starts with a Green Superfood Complex dosed at 6180mg. This complex contains a blend of “greens” plant based ingredients such as spirulina, kale, spinach, and broccoli. Most green foods are well known for their antioxidant, immune supporting, and natural energy enhancing properties. The next complex is the Glycemic Balance Blend dosed at 2224mg. As the name suggests, this blend contains ingredients known to help support healthy blood glucose levels and insulin response such as green tea extract, ALA, rice bran, and cinnamon extract. Following is the Phytonutrient Complex dosed at 430mg. This blend focuses more on ingredients that are more gear towards supporting the immune system such as tumeric, various berry extracts, and bioflavonoids. Next is the Plant Enzyme Blend dosed at 200mg. Containing several digestive enzymes such as bromelain, lipase, and amylase, one can conclude this blend is intended to aid regularity through aiding the natural digestion process. Lastly is the Probiotic Blend containing 1 Billion CFU cultures. I’ve always been fond of probiotics as they’ve helped tremendously in keeping my “pipes and plumbing” in healthy working order. Being bloating, gassy, and constipated is never fun.
This product comes in one flavor, which is natural berry. The one major drawback with most Greens Foods supplements is the taste. Many taste as they appear when prepared…..earthy with an unpleasant dirt-like taste with the subtle hint of greens. With Opti-Greens it wasn’t much better. Alone, the product tasted like as I described, just with a little berry sweetness. I did not find that at all pleasant. Fortunately, I was able to hide the taste in my protein shake preparations, provided I used a blender and some extra fruit and oatmeal additions to help mask the taste. It mixed well alone in water or part of a protein shake preparation. As directed, I took two scoops (one serving) each day. Since I didn’t like the standalone taste, I would combine two scoops in a home-made protein smoothie preparation. I prefered to take it in the evening, but did take it in the morning on a few occasions.
I’ll begin with the immunity support benefits. I never fell ill while on Opti-greens and I got over slight cold bug I had at the beginning prior to me beginning the run with this much quicker. Also, I felt healthier and even a couple of acne flares I had not my shoulders and back cleared up faster. I rarely ever get acne anymore, but it’s much better to have none whatsoever and keep it that way. I had better levels of natural energy in the mornings and was less groggy and more refreshed in morning even with occasionally less sleep at times. I had some more focus and clear headedness going into my workouts as well. I found this to be a good complimenting factor with pre workout boosts. Lastly, I was feeling more regular with Opti-Greens. The bloating and gassiness I sometimes get with higher caloric intake phases was no longer a factor and I was having more frequent, larger, and more relieving bowel movements. Sorry if that’s a little TMI.
The only price I was able to find for Opti-Greens 50 was 54.99 for 30 servings. That is a little bit of a steep price, but if you’re like me and don’t use these types of products often and only on occasion, then that is not a bad value. This is especially given how effective the product was. Overall, a good value worth the occasional investment.
—-Side Effects—-
Overall, I’d recommend Opti-Greens 50 to anyone wanting to up their natural energy levels, boost their immunity, and gain vital regularity support. Be sure to mix the servings in some good protein smoothie concoctions to hide the taste and try to catch it on sale. WARMACHINE OUT!!! GO PATS!!
mhseaver670 –
Being old and wanting to be as healthy as possible now day’s has made me look at product’s like this much more than they did even 5 year’s ago. Normally I would just worry about gain’s and getting stronger every week. But being in my 40’s now I see how important gut health and getting nutrient’s in is just as important if not more important than taking in enough protein for those sweet gain’s.
—-Ingredient Profile—-
Pretty impressive profile. Green Superfood complex of 6180 mg Glycemic balance Blend 2224mg Phytonutrient complex 430mg Plant enzyme Blend 200mg Probiotic blend 1 billion cfu from 10 different strains of bacteria. 100% non-gmo 6.2 grams of low temperature processed nutrients
Well, it does say Natural berry but, it does not really have that kind of flavor. Although it does taste slightly better than some other’s I have used that are similar to this. That being said though , I found this one hard to take every time for some reason. First few time’s I took this it was not bad, but after that I really dreaded taking this. I hate saying that but I did. If you loved eating dirt as a kid. You may like this. It does mix easy though , no clumps.
Well I never got sick while all this flu stuff was going around. I did seem to get some small energy boost from this as well. After about 4 days on this, it seem’s to really open up the digestive regular bathroom trip’s. I will say when the moment hit me.. I had to go ASAP. Not really a bad thing but I guess it was just working well. Also another reviewer pointed out about clearer skin while on this. I would have to say that I did notice this as well. I guess it goes to show eating healthier does your body good. Something like this I feel is good for numerous people on a not so good diet. I also noticed my stomach seemed to be less bloated looking or feeling while on this. I have suggested this to my mother because she has Parkinson’s and one of the bad side effect’s is digestive issue’s. And I feel something like this could help her get in some more nutrient’s and having the added Probiotic’s would be good too.
55 bucks is the only price I can find this at for 30 serving’s at 2 scoops. Being I did not use this for 30 days straight It did last me a while longer than just 30 days. I also only used one scoop for a while too and did not notice much difference in performance. Just taste. If you compare this to Green vibrance I think , Vibrance win’s for value.
—-Side Effects—-
Gag reflex when taking at times. Be close to a bathroom when it hits.
I Do think Green vibrance has this beat when comparing the two. But this was effective and I like trying something off the beaten path every so often. Thank you Phorm 1 for taking part on this site and letting us try to be a bit healthier than we are. I would like to see this brand on some supplement sale sites like tigerfitness or allstar because honestly I just do not think of this brand. That being said I would like see more from this company.